Calendar and Key Dates


Calendar NYC DOE

Key Dates

September 7 Thursday First day of school
September 14 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers
September 21 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools
September 25 Monday Yom Kippur, schools closed
September 28 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
October 9 Monday Italian Heritage / Indigenous Peoples' Day, schools closed
November 2 Thursday Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early.
November 7 Tuesday Election Day, students do not attend school
November 9 Thursday Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early.
November 16 Thursday Afternoon and evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
November 17 Friday Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early.
November 23–24 Thursday– Friday Thanksgiving Recess, schools closed
December 25–January 1 Monday– Monday Winter Recess, schools closed
January 15 Monday Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, schools closed
January 23–26 Tuesday– Friday Regents Administration
January 29 Monday Professional Development Day; no classes for students attending high schools and 6-12 schools, all other students attend school
January 30 Tuesday Spring Semester begins
February 19–
Monday– Friday Midwinter Recess, schools closed
March 7 Thursday Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers; students in these schools dismissed three hours early.
March 14 Thursday Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early.
March 21 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
March 22 Friday Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early.
March 29–April 1 Friday–Monday Easter Weekend, schools closed
April 10 Wednesday Eid al-Fitr, schools closed
April 22–30 Monday– Tuesday Spring Recess, schools closed
May 9 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers
May 16 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools
May 23 Thursday Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
May 27 Monday Memorial Day, schools closed
June 6 Thursday Anniversary Day / Chancellor's Conference Day for staff development; students do not attend.
June 7 Friday Clerical Day; no classes for students attending 3K, Pre-K, elementary schools, middle schools, K-12 schools, and standalone D75 programs
June 14–26 Friday– Wednesday Regents Administration (excluding June 19, when schools are closed)
June 17 Monday Eid al-Adha, schools closed
June 19 Wednesday Juneteenth, schools closed
June 26 Wednesday Last day of school for students